Dump of my development activities

rexstan - created by me

A REDAXO CMS AddOn which adds PHPStan based code analysis to the open source CMS improving developer productivity and code quality.

While rexstan saw early adopters, we improved the experience for first time users.

phpstan-dba - created by me

PHPStan based SQL static analysis and type inference for the database access layer. Supports @doctrineproject DBAL, PDO, mysqli with MySQL/MariaDB and @PostgreSQL.

I have worked a lot on phpstan-dba during june, to fix minor and a few bigger glitches.

We published releases improving compatibility with latest upstream PHPStan changes and paved the way for use of phpstan-dba with PHPStan @bleedingEdge. Additionally support for PHP 7.3 and MySQL 5.7 was added.

Find out more about recent releases.

PHPStan - my contributions

PHPStan finds bugs in your code without writing tests

General Improvements

Signature Improvements

Parameter and Returntype improvements help PHPStan to understand your code. The better the inference the less additional manual code is required by you to make PHPStan understand whats going on.

See my blog post about the sprintf/sscanf overall picture.

Composer - my contributions

A Dependency Manager for PHP

Together with Jordi I worked on a PHPStan extension for Composer which detects problems while working with the config object.

Symplify - my contributions

Improvements regarding use of static reflection, to prevent class not found errors when custom autoloaders are used.

GitHub Maintainer Month

I was selected to be one of those 900 people across the globe to get a one time sponsorship from GitHub.

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Analyze your PHPStan baseline