Do you need help with PHPStan in some form? You can get me - one of the top contributors to PHPStan or related static analysis tooling - to support your team or project(s).

I have plenty of experience in contributing changes to PHPStan core, or implementing custom extensions.

As of now, I am available for hire to make the tooling fit your needs.

Fixing blockers

You are blocked by a reported issue in PHPStan or related tooling? Your projects would benefit from getting certain features implemented in PHPStan?

I can fix bugs or implement features that are blocking you to get the most out of PHPStan.

Investigate performance issues

PHPStan/Rector is running slow in your project? You need help to get a faster feedback loop?

Let me analyse your case at hand and investigate possible solutions. I love analysing php based tool performance problems.

Specific needs / tailored integration

I can help you build custom extensions and/or rules to seamlessly integrate PHPStan into your framework, libraries, and/or development workflow.

Reduce risk in your projects

PHPStan is critical for your business? Consider supporting my open source work with your sponsoring to reduce the PHPStan projects busfactor.

Get in touch

please reach me via E-Mail or contact me on Twitter or Mastodon for paid support.

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